
Arben Mustafa


Panel 8: “Access to Finance – Building a framework that enables new financing alternatives in the capital market”


Arben Mustafa graduated in the field of Banking and Finance at the Faculty Economics of the University of Pristina in 2005. In 2006, it ended his master’s studies in the field of Economics for Business Analysis in Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom.


At the same University, in 2014 he finished his doctoral studies with the topic “Competition of Banking Sector and its Impact on Risk-Taking of Banks and in Margins of Interest in Central and Eastern European Countries”.


In year 2007, he started working at the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, where initially engaged with the Department for Financial Stability and Analysis Economic in the position of Economist.


In 2009, he was promoted to the position of Department Director and exercised this function until the end of 2016, when he moved to the Governor’s Cabinet where he various functions as Advisor to the Governor and Chief Economist.


In June 2022, Arben joined the Democratic Party of Kosovo, where assumed the responsibility of Coordinator of the Department for Finance in the Cabinet for Good Governance this political party.


Arben is also engaged as a Professor at “Kadri Zeka” University in Gjilan, where he teaches subjects from the fields of economics and finance.