Gazmend Kadriu
Panel 8: “Access to Finance – Building a framework that enables new financing alternatives in the capital market”
Mr. Kadriu is a banker with over 30 years of experience in the banking system of Albania, Kosovo and Northern Macedonia – in commercial and central banks, as well as auditing and banking consultancy.
Mr. Kadriu was the Chief Executive Officer and then a member of the Board of Director of Union Bank since 2005.
Before that, he was the Director of the New Bann of Kosovo in 2004. He also served as a member of the Board of Directors and the Risk Management Committee at NLB Tutunska Banka in Skopje, Northern Macedonia.
Mr Kadriu also worked as the Head of the Supervision Department at the People’s Bank of the Republic of Northern Macedonia (1996-1998) followed by auditing and banking consultancy, including Erns & Young in Skopje.